1. All contents displayed on the website, including the website design, images, graphics, content, and any other material appearing on the website, are the property of S.R. Tamar Service Ltd., H.P. 516341393 and may not be used without prior written consent from the company.
  2. The use of the website is solely the responsibility of the user and the company shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of the website or from the termination of its use.
  3. The information provided on the website is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional advice. The company does not endorse the statements, opinions, or recommendations of users on the site and presents them for general information purposes only.
  4. The company reserves the right to change the terms of use of the website at any time and at its sole discretion without prior notice to users.
  5. The company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by users from the use of links to other sites not owned by the company, and users shall have no claims or demands against the company for such damages.
  6. The company is committed to preserving the privacy of users and shall not sell, transfer, or disclose to third parties any personal information collected through the website, except in cases where legal obligation requires the disclosure of such information.
  7. Users agree to receive promotional emails and/or offers from the company via email or phone provided at the time of registration or at the beginning of the work with the company.
  8. Users acknowledge that the use of the website and the services offered therein may be restricted by regulations and rules of governmental authorities and communication bodies, and the company shall not be held responsible for any such limitations.
  9. The company endeavors to ensure maximum availability and reliability of the services provided on the website, but it does not guarantee availability or functioning of the site at any given time, and users agree that the use of the site is solely at their own risk.
  10. The terms of use of the website are defined according to the laws of the State of Israel, and with regard to actions taken on the website or with its use, the appropriate court to hear any claims shall be the competent court in the matter.
  11. Users agree to allow the company to collect fees and payments subject to the terms of use of the website, at the prices displayed by the company and in accordance with the agreement reached between the company and the user.
  12. The company reserves the right to suspend or limit the use of the website by users at its sole discretion without prior notice.
  13. These terms of use do not constitute a full and exclusive contractual agreement, but constitute terms of use between the company and the users. However, in certain cases, work agreements or privacy agreements may be made between the company and the users, which may include additional terms beyond the terms of use of the website.
  14. The terms of use of the website may change from time to time at the sole discretion of the company, and users are obligated to stay informed of any changes to the terms of use.
  15. If any clause in the terms of use of the website is found to be invalid or unenforceable, this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the other clauses in the terms of use of the website.
  16. The company reserves the right to close the website for maintenance or technological improvements without affecting the content on the site. The company will strive to prevent possible malfunctions, but shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred by users as a result of the termination of the use of the site.
  17. The users confirm that they are not using the website for any illegal purposes and do not infringe on any copyright or other legal regulations. The company reserves the right to block access to the website for users who act contrary to these terms of use.
  18. The company is not obligated to provide the website or the services provided by it to all areas of employment, goals, or needs of the users, and it reserves the right to choose whom it provides the services to, at its sole discretion.

By joining the use of the website of https://togetthere.info/en, users declare that they have read and understood the terms of use and agree to all the conditions.

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