Mlynské nivy 78C, 821 05 Bratislava

Obtaining a Residence Permit in Slovakia

There are few options to obtain the residence permit in Slovakia:

– Business. You open an LLC (sk. – SRO) or become a self-employed individual (sk. – Živnost’) in Slovakia

– Studies. Start your studies in one of the Slovakian universities and get you residence permit

– Work. If you are a unique specialist or looking for a job in mass-poduction: manufactures, building sites etc. this is the option you need

– Family reunion. If your spouse has residence permit or citizenship in Slovakia

– Nationality. If you are ethnic Slovak living abroad

– Sport visa

Are you thinking about relocation? If you are interested in a consultation and/or tour of Slovakia before making an important decision, leave your contacts and read the article on this topic.

Residence permit in Slovakia

Business RP

Studies RP

Work RP

Highly-qualified specialist RP

Family reunion RP

Obtaining citizenship of Slovakia

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