Average Cost
of Living in Slovakia

Average salary before tax           €1371 / $1520,65 a month (2019)

Average salary after  tax              €1024.05 / $1135,92 a month (2019)

From 1 January 2020 the minimum wage is €580 before tax and €476,74 after tax. It also affects the basic amount of social and other insurance payments.

Food and drinks in cafes and restaurants

Both locals and tourists like to explore the cafes and restaurants in the city. Average prices are reasonable and there are a lot of cheap local bars, pubs, and snack bars with Slovak cuisine.

Average check for business-lunch, including an n/alc. drink €4.5
Average check for two for a dinner in an average restaurant, 3 dishes and wine €30.0
Combo-meal in McDonald’s or alike fast-food chain €6.0
Local beer, 0.5l €1.3
Imported bottled beer, 0.33l €1.5
Cappuccino €2.0
Coca-Cola/Pepsi, 0.33l bottle €1.5
Bottled water, 0.33l €1.0

Groceries in stores and supermarkets

Usually the cheap foods are vegetables, milk and some alcohol, while fruits, meats and cigarettes are much more pricey.

Milk, 1l €0.71
A loaf of freshly baked wheat-bread, 500g €0.87
White rice, 1kg €1.12
Eggs, dozen €1.84
Local cheese, 1kg €7.22
Chicken breasts, 1kg €4.91
Beef, 1kg €7.81
Apples, 1kg €1.44
Bananas, 1kg €1.41
Oranges, 1kg €1.43
Tomatoes, 1kg €1.77
Potatoes, 1kg €0.81
Onions, 1kg €0.7
Lettuce, 1 head €0.94
Bottled water, 1.5l €0.61
Average wine, 1 bottle €4.0
Local beer, 0.5l €0.61
Imported bottled beer, 0.33l €1.11
Marlboro cigarettes, 1 pack €3.7

Public transport and taxi, fuel and cars.

The most profitable way of going around the city on public transport is using monthly passes and season tickets for a series of trips than buying it separately. Taxi is relatively cheap, compared to the other EU countries. Fuel cost in Slovakia and Austria is almost the same, but much cheaper than in, say, France or Italy.

1 ride ticket on local public transport €0.9
Monthly pass (per one month) €28.0
Minimal cost for a taxi ride €3.0
Taxi fare per 1 km of trip €0.8
Taxi fare for 1 hour wait €15.0
Fuel, 1l €1.14
Kia RIO 1.2 MPi (or same sort of car) basic complectation €10690.0
Toyota Corolla 1.6l 97kW Comfort (or same sort of car) basic complectation €15990.0

Utilities, mobile communications and Internet.

Utilities aren’t cheap in Slovakia, especially electricity, everyone is trying to save it as much they can – it is improper to leave heating or lights on.

Internet speed is usually good.

Utilities for 85m2 apartment (electricity, water, heating, cooling, trash) €177.85
1 minute of local mobile call €0.07
Unlimited Internet, 60 Mbit/sec or faster, cable or ADSL €16.07

Sport, entertainment and leisure

Outdoor activities, sport and regular things as theaters, cinemas and concerts are very popular in Slovakia. Memberships and tickets are usually not very expensive.

Gym without swimming pool, 1 month membership €20.00
Renting a tennis court for 1 hour on the weekend €10.00
Cinema, ticket for 1 €6.0

Kindergartens and schools for little foreigners

The state kindergartens and schools are free; you only pay for meals and extra activities.

Private English kindergarten, full-day care, 1 month €800.00
Private Slovak kindergarten, full-day care, 1 month €350.00
School for foreign kids, 1 year €1000.00

Shopping: clothes and footwear

Average mass market prices in Bratislava

Levi’s 501 jeans or similar ones, 1 pair €57.34
Summer dress in mass-market store (Zara, H&M etc.) €28.55
Nike trainers, 1 pair €59.8
Men’s leather shoes, 1 pair €69.14

Renting an apartment in Slovakia

Apartment rent usually eats up a large part of the family budget – up to 50% of income of 1 and up to 30% of a couple.

Prices below are for city of Bratislava. In Bratislava region and other cities the price is 20% less.

Studio in the city center €500.0
Studio in the city outskirts €420.0
1-bedroom apartment in the city center €650.0
1-bedroom apartment in the city outskirts €550.0
2-bedroom apartment in the city center €750.0
2-bedroom apartment in the city outskirts €650.0
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