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How important is it to know the Slovak language

Probably one of the most frequently asked questions is the question of language
If I want to move to Slovakia, how important is it to know the language?
- How long does it take to learn to speak?
- What is the most similar language to Slovak one?
Let's figure it out:
Although Slovakia is a small country, the abundance of different dialects, adverbs and dialects in such a compact territory is very surprising. Three dialects are distinguished by location in Slovak language:
-Western Slovak,
-Medium Slovak
- Eastern Slovak.

From the very first words spoken, it is understandable from which part of Slovakia a person is from. People living in the West or in the center of the country perceive the eastern population of Slovakia almost as foreigners.
This is due to the historical past, the influence of specific neighboring peoples on the regions, as well as changes associated with the displacement of dialects by the literary language in cities.
In terms of the number of speakers, the Slovak language ranks third among the West Slavic languages ​​after Polish and Czech.
The Slovak language belongs to the Slavic language group.
The closest to the Slovak language are Czech, Polish and Ukrainian. Slovak differs from the Czech colloquial speech in its greater softness and melodiousness.

Vowel sounds in it are divided into short and long. The formation of long syllables is due to the ascending diphthongs i̯a, i̯e, i̯u, u̯o. It is also worth paying attention to the specific phoneme / ä /, as well as the rhythm of speech.
In Slovak there are many similar words that make it very easy for Slavic foreigners to understand the language.

Another interesting feature of the Slovak language is that in some words they can have three, four, and sometimes six consonants in a row: sprcha (shower), vlk (wolf), prst (finger), zmrzlina (ice cream), scvrknutý (wrinkled)
The language has two sounds and the letters "g"
A soft version is used, like the Ukrainian "g" (h) and the Russian type hard (g).

As a visitor you are okay with english, but if you are planning to move, we would recommend to learn Slovak language because not the whole population speaks or wants to speak english.
You can start learning the language yourself using the sites:
where there is initial information, and when you pass the first stage you can safely enroll in courses in your city or directly in Slovakia.

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