We will help you and your family move to Europe, integrate and adapt to the country, open a business, get a mortgage, and also hold any celebration. We will help you and your family move to Europe, integrate and adapt to the country, open a business, get a mortgage, and also hold any celebration.

Why are Israelis moving to Slovakia? A look at the reasons for the recent migration of Israeli immigrants


Why do many Israelis choose to immigrate to Slovakia?

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the migration of Israelis to the European country of Slovakia. Slovakia is becoming a preferred relocation destination, and many Israeli citizens are packing their bags, signing contracts, obtaining visas, and putting down roots in Bratislava and other Slovak cities. What are the reasons for this mass migration, and what leads many to exchange the "land of milk and honey" for a small, less popular country on its border? We went to investigate and came back with answers.

Migration data indicates a growing trend of Israelis moving from their country to Slovakia. As you can understand, this is not a random occurrence, just as an increase in Coca-Cola sales doesn't happen on its own. So, what are the factors driving the increasing migration to Slovakia for work and residence?

Slowing down the pace

Slovakia is characterized by a slow, calm way of life and a lot of tranquility. Many Israelis who find the bustling and vibrant lifestyle of Tel Aviv not suitable for them choose peaceful Slovakia as an island of serenity. Interestingly, even in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, there is no sense of overcrowding, stress, and pressure that characterizes central metropolises around the world, which does not contradict the modernization and technological advancement that definitely characterizes the central cities.

People who are overwhelmed by the pressures of life and seek a quiet, comfortable place with low expectations find in Slovakia a place to break free and live their lives peacefully.

Fighting the cost of living

In recent years, the rising prices in Israel have been breaking records. Every week, another product becomes more expensive, making the cost of living in Israel a significant factor. Slovakia is considered a country where the cost of living is relatively cheap compared to other European countries. This allows immigrants to work and save even when salaries are lower, especially if there is an opportunity for remote work, in which case the salary remains in Israeli terms while the cost of living follows the Slovak formula – a gap that enables significant savings.

Many who find the cost of living in Israel and other European and American countries overwhelming prefer to choose Slovakia as a country with comfortable and definitely cheap living conditions.

Security concern

Slovakia is a country with one of the lowest crime rates in European countries, partly due to the relatively low percentage of drug addicts and alcoholics. Slovakia, as a nation, is defined as calm and conflict-avoidant, with accepted norms of society that you won't find in other places, such as: no legitimacy to make noise after 23:00 and a hard time finding aggression or intolerance in daily life. It is evident that Slovakia is not characterized by terrorism like Israel, and the number of road accident victims is significantly lower than in other European countries, thanks to a calm climate and adherence to traffic rules.

Israeli citizens who find it difficult to live with the stress of terrorism, wars, and a tense atmosphere may find in Slovakia a peaceful and optimal area to migrate to.

A matter of location

Slovakia, as a country located in the center of Europe, allows easy access to all corners of the continent. In a few hours of driving or using public transportation and trains, you can cross the border to Germany and other neighboring countries. Slovakia enables easy access to various parts of Europe, and its local airport makes it easy to reach major airports in Budapest or Vienna. It is possible to cross the border to the sea in Croatia or Slovenia and also reach ski areas.

Thus, the migration perspective of many Israelis reflects convenient location conditions and a central location that allows easy access to numerous points in Europe for travel, work, or vacations

Combining openness with warmth

Slovaks are known for being open and welcoming towards foreigners, friendly and courteous. They blend European characteristics of politeness, openness, and friendliness while allowing immigrants to integrate into the local social fabric.

Some choose Slovakia simply because immigrants are received there with a positive attitude and acceptance.

Convenient business management

Slovakia is considered a country experiencing rapid economic growth. This provides many opportunities for business owners and allows for engaging with foreign companies and various business ventures in Europe. Additionally, there is a government trend encouraging the opening of new businesses through low taxation.

Leisure and infrastructure

Slovakia offers affordable and developed transportation, clean streets, numerous recreational areas, green spaces, parks, shopping centers, and more. The climate there is considered comfortable— not too cold in winter and temperatures that are not scorching in summer. Many Israelis who wander choose Slovakia due to the comfortable climate, natural beauty, and absence of air pollution.

togetthere - Consulting agency for immigrants to Slovakia

togetthere represents the new generation of comprehensive counseling for all immigrants to Slovakia, including assistance in building a new life on foreign soil. The company assists in obtaining permits, starting new lives, and provides additional services such as accounting support for business owners, legal support, and advice for integration into the local community. Considering migration to Slovakia? togetthere is here for you every step of the way.

In conclusion, the reasons for the increasing migration of Israelis to Slovakia are multifaceted. Factors such as the peaceful lifestyle, lower cost of living, security, convenient location, welcoming atmosphere, business opportunities, leisure facilities, and infrastructure all contribute to making Slovakia an attractive destination for Israeli immigrants seeking a new beginning.

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