We will help you and your family move to Europe, integrate and adapt to the country, open a business, get a mortgage, and also hold any celebration. We will help you and your family move to Europe, integrate and adapt to the country, open a business, get a mortgage, and also hold any celebration.

Tips for a successful relocation for families


Relocation is usually a one-time adventure, a different and unique experience that involves various challenges that may arise throughout the process. In order to be as prepared as possible for your destination, we have gathered several topics and tips that should be addressed before the move. Of course, as a company specializing in assisting families in the process of immigrating to Slovakia, we would be happy to help you throughout the entire process.

Determining the relocation budget

Before the relocation, first assess the budget available to you. Proper planning will help you make decisions regarding everything that will happen there, starting from the cost of obtaining residency or a Slovakian citizen passport while residing abroad, to the apartment you will rent, schools where you will enroll your children, and even buying a car or doing shopping there.

It is important to note that in order to work in Slovakia, every adult who is not a Slovakian citizen needs a residence permit. To do so, you must obtain a temporary residence permit for one to three years and then extend it. Therefore, it is important to consider your income over time. Do you have a stable income that is not dependent on finding work, in case one of you fails to find something quickly? All these details should be calculated in advance in an Excel file to build the budget.

We recommend contacting our company for professional consultation, asking all the questions that interest you in order to understand the scope of the expenses and build a relocation plan.

Taking care of visas

If you are working, studying, or starting a business in Slovakia, you can obtain a temporary residence permit for one to three years. It is worth noting that the cost of opening a business in Slovakia is not high. After about a year, if you prove that the business is indeed profitable, you can extend the residence permit. A student visa is also an option: it is a temporary residence permit that you will receive if one or both of you are accepted for studies. Note that studying in the local language is free even for non-citizens, but studying in English incurs costs.

Permanent residency in Slovakia is a status that is granted after five years of temporary residency according to the law. Citizenship and obtaining a Slovakian passport can be applied for after three years of permanent residency.



    Deciding on housing

    Real estate prices in Slovakia have increased in recent years, especially in the past year, similar to many European countries. However, in Bratislava (the capital city) if you are willing to compromise on a location that is not exactly in the center, you can find reasonably priced three-room apartments, around 1000 euros including incidental expenses.

    Keep in mind that the environment in which you choose to raise your children may affect the shaping of their identity, and you should take this into account, especially if it is a long-term move.

    If you plan to invest in real estate, we recommend that you first rent a property and only then buy, in order to check if the chosen location suits you.

    Family health insurance

    According to the law, every foreign citizen residing in Slovakia is required to have health insurance. Therefore, even if you receive health insurance through your employment or need to do it yourself, it is advisable to ensure that the policy you have actually meets the medical needs of all family members. Remember that if you have to arrange insurance on your own, the costs may be higher than what we are familiar with in our home country.

    Choosing educational frameworks

    The education system in Slovakia is considered good and of high quality. Starting from the age of three, you can enroll in public kindergartens or private kindergartens, which, of course, are more expensive. Schools are divided into primary, middle, and high school, each stage lasting four years. Note that registration for studies is done in advance, about half a year or more before the start of the new school year, so it is recommended to do it as soon as possible and not wait until the last moment.

    In summary, the path to immigrating to Slovakia includes several stages: starting with obtaining a temporary residence permit and finding employment, through renting an apartment and obtaining health insurance, to registering in schools and kindergartens. Keep in mind that the entire process takes several months at least. We would be happy to be at your disposal and assist you in each of these stages.

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